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Master's Degree In History Military

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Master's degrees in history military focus on the historical study of a certain area of military history. Depending on the subject, the student's dissertation may be a research paper (or a thesis) depending on what the topic is. Students take Introduction to Research in Military History in their first year. This course combines reading of classic texts about military history with discussion of research strategies. The first semester is devoted to researching and writing a paper, which will become a master's thesis or dissertation. Students finish their MA thesis or doctoral dissertation in the fall semester.

The U.S. Army Nurse Corps has women

Congress created the Army Nurse Corps in 1901. It was the first military career for women. By 1902 the Army General Hospital at the Presidio had 41 nurses. During 1906's earthquake and fire, Dora E. Thompson, the hospital’s chief nurse, was in charge of the nursing staff.

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Firsts for U.S. Military Women

Since the beginning of time, women have been making waves within the U.S. Army. However, September 11th was a pivotal moment in their lives. In response to the war on terrorism, women were quickly recruited and promoted into leadership positions. Many important leadership positions were made possible by women, such as Col. Linda McTague becoming the first female commander in an Air Force fighter group. In the same year Sgt. Tiffany McTague, the first female Army Rangers, was also promoted to Sgt.

Challenges facing military historians

Military historians face many unique challenges. For example, they must write contemporary historical history. This can be complicated by state involvement. No matter the subject of research, military historians can be a valuable subfield in historical scholarship. Their unique perspectives on the military are often used by practitioners in real life as a training resource.

Literature on Warfare

There is a rich history of literature about war. Many historians dismiss these works as unreliable. This volume examines how modern war memories have advanced in sophistication and present new challenges for scholars. Covering the Napoleonic era through to the present, this collection of essays explores how writers transmit particular views of war.

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Investigate the field

Researching the past of war can be a difficult field. It often raises moral and emotional questions. There are a few historians, however, who have managed to avoid being accused despite the general wariness about the field.

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Master's Degree In History Military