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Future of the US Army Decisive Deathality Platform

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The US Army currently has several ground combat vehicles in development. The Armored MultiPurpose Vehicle (AMPV) and the Optionally Manned Fighting Vehicle (OMFV) are two examples. CBO's recent study suggests that the army could buy a new system as soon as 2035. In fact, the AMPV has already begun construction with a contract being awarded in 2014. Abrams X however is far from a new platform. A prototype has been made.

The new vehicle is touted as the next-generation light tank for Infantry Brigade Combat Teams. Until the vehicle gets into the field, the M-113 armored personnel carrier will remain in service. Other notable vehicles include the M113 robot-powered M113 with mobile protected firepower. These vehicles still have a long way to go. However, it is best to stay with the faithful Abrams.

The OMFV is a new type of ground combat vehicle that will play a significant role in the future. They are designed to be able to perform multiple missions with one vehicle. They are more cost-effective than their manned predecessors and can be used to accomplish multiple missions with a single vehicle. A battle squadron will be ready to go in no time if it has two or more of these vehicles.

Similar, the most powerful weapon on the new vehicle is also its lightest. It could be the RPG-7, but the M113 and its kin are lightweight armored M113s that can increase force multipliers. The AMPV could also assume the responsibilities for the venerable Abrams. This will allow for a resurgence American infantry units, which were decimated in the late 1990s. The AMPV could also be a boon for the budget with a potential savings of hundreds of millions. It is yet to be determined which of these vehicles will win the grand scheme. This is a sign that the future of America's Army is uncertain. For a campaign to succeed, it is crucial that the right vehicle is available at the right time. The Army's decision-making machine works hard to determine the best course.

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Future of the US Army Decisive Deathality Platform