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Video: Micro Killer Drones & Drone Weaponry

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Drone technology has been used in many conflicts throughout the world over the past few years. This technology has been used to combat terrorist and transnational organised crime. This technology has its challenges as well as great benefits. In fact, drone technology can be a game changer for public security forces.

Drones can disrupt the flow and supply of goods and services but they also have the potential to disrupt human life. Drone technology can be used to disrupt information flows or interfere in public events. To protect against drones being used in such circumstances, businesses and individuals need to understand the technology so that they can defend themselves.

Criminal organizations have also used drone technology to launch bombed drone attacks in conflict areas. These drones can be used to assassinate or monitor. Whatever type of drone used, there are many ways drone technology could cause harm. The ability to detect and defend drone technology is still a very new concept.


Policymakers need to keep abreast of the latest developments in order to fully understand the technology. They should conduct research and form task forces to address drone technology. They should also conduct vulnerability assessments and develop policies for addressing drone threats. This is crucial as drones in private hands are expected to rise to over half a billion by 2022.

Drones are used most often for drug trafficking. Mexico is home to several rival cartels who use drones against each other. These attacks could have grave psychological effects on local residents. One example is the Jalisco New Generation Cartel's recent Twitter release that shows a drone dropping weapons on Tepalcatepec. This is a city located in the state Michoacan. The video went viral and locals now consider the cartel more powerful.

Additionally, drone technology is capable of attacking smart devices using Bluetooth and WiFi. Although these techniques are still in their infancy, they have the potential to disrupt the free flow of goods and services. These techniques can also be used for personal and industrial data hacking. This technology can also be used to attack critical infrastructure such as electricity and transportation systems.

Rogue states, criminal organizations and terrorists could use drone technology as a weapon to attack the United States. These drones can be used to spy, assassinate, or steal intellectual property. This technology could be used to target Americans and their families, as well as to carry out armed attacks.

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Drone technology is being used in many conflicts across the globe. It is important that policymakers recognize that this technology can disrupt the free flow, of information, of services, and of goods. Additionally, policymakers need to work to prevent drone technology being used for collateral damage.

Video: Micro Killer Drones & Drone Weaponry